Yuan Wang
Yuan Wang is an assistant professor in the Department of Earth System Science at the Stanford Doerr School of Sustainability. He is also an affiliated faculty in the Woods Institute for the Environment. Prior to joining Stanford, he was an associate professor at Purdue University and a research scientist at California Institute of Technology. His research group aims to advance the understanding of the physical and chemical interactions between atmospheric constituents and climate change. Specifically, his group conducts research related to aerosol-cloud-precipitation interactions and their climatic implications, air pollution and haze formation, cloud microphysics and dynamics, and the assessment of the greenhouse gas and aerosol forcings on the atmosphere, ocean, and cryosphere. They develop and use multiscale Earth system models and machine learning methods in combination with space-borne and in situ measurements to address those scientific questions.
Yuan Wang currently serves as the Chair of Committee on Atmospheric Chemistry for the American Meteorological Society, an inaugural Editor-in-Chief of npj Clean Air (Nature Portfolio), and an editor of Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (ACP). He has more than 120 peer-reviewed publications with an H-Index 45. He is a fellow of the American Geophysical Union.
· Ph.D. in Atmospheric Sciences, 2013, Texas A&M University, Texas
· B. S. in Computer Sciences, 2007, Fudan University, China
Selected Awards:
· American Geophysical Union, James B. Macelwane Medal (2023)
· American Meteorological Society, Henry G. Houghton Award (2024)
· International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences, Early Career Scientist Medal (2015)