Aerosol-cloud-radiation interactions
To obtain processes-level understanding of aerosol-cloud-radiation interaction, we conduct cloud-resolving and large-eddy simulations of warm boundary-layer clouds as well as deep convective clouds. In situ and remote sensing observations are used to provide observations constrains and guidance for our numerical model simulations.
Impacts of long-range transport of aerosols
We utilized the ACE-ENA aircraft campaign data in combination of aerosol reanalysis data to examine the significance of long-range transported aerosol effect on marine boundary layer clouds. A series of aerosol-aware large-eddy simulations were conducted to quantify the cloud susceptibility to aerosols from long-range transport or local sources.
Haze, Thunderstorm and Lightning
We studied the impact of anthropogenic aerosols serving as cloud condensation nuclei on thunderstorms and lightning activities in Southern China. We analyzed the 7-year surface measurements of precipitation, lightning flashes, and visibility to show that heavy preciptation amount and lighting flashes are positively correlated with aerosol concentrations. Cloud-resolving model simulations with the TAMU cloud microphysics we developed reveal the mechanism of the aerosol invigoration effects on deep convective clouds in the humid condition.